Hikeleader Nancy Wonisch

Class B /4


Description:. We walk in the Naturpark Foehrenberg and climb Anninger. Our former club president, Zana, will be in town and will join this hike.

Route: Moedling 246m – Breite Foehre – Anningerschutzhaus 625m for lunch – 3Eichen, Pfaffstaettner Kogel 541m – Pfaffstaetten 218m.


Meet:. 8:45 am at the Hauptbahnhof near the ticket machines. Train to Moedling leaves at 8:59 am.

Return: around 5 pm to the Hauptbahnhof.

Cost: train fare

Registration: by 6 February to confirm lunch reservations.

Note: Dress according to weather forecast and bring snacks and drink.

8 Registrations

Hikeleader login
  • Zana and Jim
  • Günter
  • Emil
  • Beatrice Lilholt
  • Anisa and Adam
  • Angela
  • Angela
  • Silvia

I do not wish to reveal my full name on the website

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Please only register if you will attend the hike.
By submitting you accept the rules and the regulations of the VIC Hiking and Mountaineering Club