Hikeleader Andrea Tatam

Class C

Cancelled/Postponed! Ternitz - Gösing - Flatzer Wand

Description: Unfortunately due to personal circumstances I have to cancel/postpone this hike.
From Ternitz up to Gösing and Flatzer Wand – approx. 620 m climb and approx. 14 km walk – late start, as this is the day of the switch to summer time

Route: approx. this route, starting from Ternitz with slightly different beginning and ending https://www.bergfex.at/sommer/niederoesterreich/touren/wanderung/918385,goesing—flatzer-wand/


Meet: 9:35 Hauptbahnhof – we will take the train to Ternitz leaving at 9:53 (please note first day of switch to summer time)

Return: By train back to Vienna arriving in Vienna 18:03

Cost: train ticket (possibly Einfach-Raus as cheapest option depending on group size)

Registration: by March 28


3 Registrations

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  • Fwi
  • isa
  • Renata

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