Hikeleader Melissa Denecke

Class A 4

Muellendorf to Sonnenberg Outlook warte to Jubiläums-Outlook to Eisenstadt

Description: An approximate 15.5 km walk, mostly a lovely wooded trail in the Leitha Hills, with visits to 2 observation towers having views to Schneeberg and to Neusiedler Lake and a few delights along the way. The hike path has only around 290 m ups and 350 m downs. The area has loads of lilies of the valley and I hope they are still blooming when we are there.

Route: Starting from Muellendorf, and then through mostly woods to Sonnenberg, where we will stop for a picnic and a view from the Outlook there, the highest point in Leitha Hills. Then it is on to another Outlook tower outside of Eisenstadt to have a break either to relax, visit the nature info trail or have a drink at the Gloriette (it is a bit posh for hiking gear, howerever). After that, we descend, go through the Esterhazy Castle Gardens and return with the train to Vienna Central Station (Hbf).

Map: Komoot under the tour name = hike title

Meet: Shortly after 10 am under the arrival/departure table in Hbf. The REX6 train leaves at 10:23 (likely from platform 6) and passes through Meidling (if that is better for you) 10:29-10:31. If you are looking to join others to form an Einfach-Raus group, I leave it to you to be there promptly to arrange and purchase.

Return: If we make the 16:31 train, 17:37 at Vienna Hbf. Trains are hourly.

Cost: 11.60 EUR train/bus ticket from Hbf one way, with Vienna City. The return from Eisenstadt is 12.80 EUR

Registration: By Friday, May 17th

Note: Bring a picnic lunch, plenty to drink and weather-appropriate shoes and hiking gear

29 Registrations

Hikeleader login
  • Beatrice Lilholt
  • FO
  • Chie
  • Michaela
  • Joanne W.
  • Irena B.
  • Neha Chatwani
  • Griet B.
  • Joanne W.
  • Manuela Betancur
  • luisa lf
  • DP
  • Joan S.
  • Cornelius K.
  • Dominique Le Dantec
  • Waltraud P.
  • Waltraud P.
  • Hoda T.
  • Leslie
  • SK
  • Ioanna
  • Eleonora
  • Veronica G.
  • Dimitris
  • Marios
  • Irina
  • Irena B.
  • Joan S.
  • Luisalf