Hikeleader Nancy Wonisch

Class A /4

Wienerwald Hike from Ottakring

Description: This is a nice winter Wienerwald hike with a wonderful view to Vienna from Wilhelminenberg. Please mention with your registration if you will join for the heuriger after the hike.

Route:. Ottakring – Steinhofkirhe – Satzberg – Jubilaumswarte – Kreuzeichenwiese – Eselsteig (165 steps up) – Schloss Wilhelminenberg – Ottakring.

Map: Wienerwald Atlas

Meet:. 11:00 a.m. at U3 Ottakring. Come downstairs from the front of the U3 (exit Thaliastrasse) and we meet at ground level at the bottom of the stairs.

Return:. around 3-5 p.m. to U3 Ottakring – depending upon eating at a Heuriger

Cost:. public transport

Registration: by 23 January on this website

Note: Dress according to weather forecast and bring snacks and drink. We will come to a heuriger ca. 3 p.m. and those who wish may stay for a late lunch or early evening meal. With registration please indicate if you will join at the heuriger at the end of the hike. thank you.

4 Registrations

Hikeleader login
  • Günter
  • Fwi
  • Angela
  • Veronica Guerrero

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Please only register if you will attend the hike.
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