Hikeleader Christine Colella

Class A A2

Cultural Walk: Through Stadtpart to Russian Church

Description: We shall meet several musicians, painters, polititians on our way through Stadtpark; from there we shall pass by the Beethoven Monument to Schwarzenbergplatz and to the Embassy District and to the Russian Church; lunch is planned at Salmbraeu

Route: As above

Map: Vienna City Map

Meet: At 10:45 a.m. in front of Lueger Monument, Dr. Karl Lueger Platz (U3 Stubenring)

Return: After Lunch

Cost: None, only guest fee

Registration: By 13 February


7 Registrations

Hikeleader login
  • Artemisa + 1
  • Kate
  • Suzanne
  • Dominique Le Dantec
  • Hans Flickenschild & guest

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