Hikeleader Beatrice Lilholt
Class A 4
Description: At about 1.000 m we will see beautiful nature and traditional recreation area with great views of breath taking panorama.
Route: From Maria Schutz (we wil look at the famous church) we go up an easy path (200 m height diff.) to Semmering Passhöhe. After lunch we will walk along the “Promenade” passing Panhans, Südbahnhotel etc.
Map: Wiener Hausberge 31 or 21
Meet: In train Nr. CJX 9 Nr. 2915 leaving from Floridsdorf at 7.33 fm Praterstern 742 fm Hbhf 7.53 and Meidling 8.02 (we sit in first waggon
Return: Between 17.00 or 18.00 in Vienna
Cost: Train and lunch (Pls buy return ticket from Liesing/Stadtgrenze to Semmering and press on “Tageskarte”)
Registration: By 21.06.24 to hikeleader on this webside
31 Registrations
- FO
- Erika Cody
- Ch. ZOCH
- LuzMa
- Yuriko Ogawa
- Chie
- MonicaS
- Audrey
- Linshu
- ST
- Qiu
- TB
- MP
- KP
- AP
- Konrad
- MonicaS
- ST
- TB
- MP
- AP
- KP
- KP
- LuzMa
- Konrad
- Konrad