Hikeleader Frits Wittgrefe

Class A 8

Grape picking


Dear hikers, this is another kind of activity for fit people. The leader is Albert, not Frits. We invite you for helping grape picking in Stammersdorf/Strebersdorf, part of Vienna near the Bisamberg.
It will be a day of working, from 8 in the morning until sunset, however with a lunchbreak at 12.30 until about 2 PM. The lunch is very good because the farmer was chef in the Palmenhaus at the Hofburg before he started renting about 11 little wine yards. The company is so small that the help of volunteers is very important. The last years the quality of the grapes and the grape picking has been so good, that prices have been won. Of course you can take a bottle home to taste it yourself.

It will be a day with fun and learning about how plants must be treated, about grapes, the illnesses, the grape picking and producing the wine. All questions can be asked to the farmer who provide you with plastic clubs, scissors and a basket when you start. Please write directly to Albert Pappenheim, pappenheim@chello.at , if you like to join. Do NOT register in the Website. Dress for the weather, it can be humid and cold in the morning; when it is raining there will be no grape picking and we’ll try another day. After your registration you will get all information necessary.


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